Teaming Up with TeamSmile

Each year student and faculty volunteers join forces with TeamSmile and Kansas City’s professional sports teams to deliver dental care to disadvantaged children. In May 2016, UMKC volunteers and TeamSmile teamed up with Sporting KC to provide care at the team’s soccer stadium, Children’s Mercy Park in Kansas City, Kan.; in October 2016 they joined forces with the KC Chiefs football team at Arrowhead Stadium; and in January 2017 they partnered with the KC Royals at Kaufmann Stadium. During these events, the UMKC contingent usually consisted of three faculty, 12 dental students, and members of the UMKC Pre-Dental Club. They, along with volunteer dentists and other organizations, usually treat approximately 300 children. TeamSmile, according to its website, is “the nation’s premier advocacy group that partners oral health professionals with professional athletic organizations to provide life- changing dental care to underserved children in our communities.”

Visit the School’s Facebook page to enjoy photos of the School’s Team Smile volunteers in action.