2019 Alumni Award Winners

Each year UMKC recognizes distinguished alumni from each of its schools, including two from the School of Dentistry. The school also recognizes an outstanding young alumnus. Here are this year’s winners.


Dr. Terry O’Toole (DDS ’81) dedicated many years working with the Veterans Affairs Office of Dentistry in Washington, D.C., to help improve oral health for thousands of veterans in need. In addition to managing medical and dental care deployment for about 8,000 patients each year, Dr. O’Toole was at the forefront of the VA’s efforts to evolve its electronic health record system.

Over his 35 year career within the Veterans Health Administration, Dr. O’Toole served in various roles including staff dentist, clinic coordinator, chief of dental service and, most recently, director of dental informatics and analytics.
For nearly a decade he has focused on advancing the technology while serving as head of software development, where his team identified needs and created solutions that helped providers deliver more effective care. Additionally, the evolved electronic health records system enables the VA to effectively track data on patients and treatment protocols to measure outcomes and provider performance to drive system-wide improvements.

Dr. O’Toole also has led the way for teledentistry. He was one of the first to implement resolutions through the American Dental Association that allow dentists to serve patients virtually, making a huge impact on access to care.

Dr. O’Toole also has served as chair of the American Dental Association’s Council on Dental Practice and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the ADA as well as a representative to the ADA Standards Committee on dental informatics.

His impact on these many areas of the profession has earned him the 2019 UMKC Alumni Achievement Award for the School of Dentistry.


Rebecca Stolberg (MSDH ’96) has been a leader for many years in dental hygiene and dental hygiene education. After graduating from UMKC with her master of science in dental hygiene, she began her career in dental hygiene education as interim director of the Texas State Technical College Dental Hygiene Program. Stolberg then led the Department of Dental Hygiene at Eastern Washington University for 15 years, the only undergraduate degree program of its kind in that state. Stolberg has received more than $450,000 in grant funding and, in 2016, the ADEA/Colgate-Palmolive Co. Allied Dental Educator Fellowship. She also served as course director for LEAF (Leadership Essentials for Adjunct Faculty). This program promotes leadership and professional development opportunities for part-time dental hygiene faculty. Stolberg now is the senior director of allied dental education and faculty development at the American Dental Education Association.


Dr. Jonathan Copeland (DDS ’09), after graduation, went on to a residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Dr. Copeland and his wife, Stephanie (DDS ’10), now live in the St. Louis area with their young family. Despite his busy schedule at his private practice, Dr. Copeland finds time to give back to the profession and his community.  He is a board member of Missouri Dental Insurance Services Inc., a council member for Dental Lifeline Network, a founding member of the Veterans’ Dental Care Coalition and the Missouri Section chair for the Pierre Fauchard Academy. He also had a seat in the Missouri Dental Association House of Delegates, was chair for the Missouri Dental Association’s New Dentist Committee and serves as the SPEAR Study Club Leader. He shares his passion for lifelong learning through presenting CE courses on implants and through his instrumental leadership in helping start Missouri’s first Connect 4 Success, a continuing education weekend for new dentists.