Advanced Ed – General Dentistry Admissions Process

Applications must be received by Dec. 1 of the year prior to planned enrollment. Application to this program is through the ADEA PASS program.

All applicants are required to submit the Institutional Evaluation and Professional Evaluation Form (PEF) as part of their completed PASS application. A minimum of three professional evaluators (dental faculty) are required to submit evaluations for the PEF. Additional letters of recommendation should not be sent to UMKC.

The Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT) is preferred but not required. Scores can be self-reported on the ADEA PASS application.

The application process is competitive. Selection is based on several factors including academic standing in dental school (grade-point average, class standing and ADAT scores) and your personal statement as well as other experience.

An in-person invitation-only interview is a required part of the application process for finalists. International Dental School Graduate Applicants will also be required to participate in a dental skills bench test as part of the interview process.