Directions from the WEST
• East on I-70 to I-670 east
• Take I-670 through downtown then follow I-70 to the exit for South Hwy 71
• Hwy 71 south to 22nd St./Paseo exit
• West (right) on 22nd to Charlotte
• South (left) on Charlotte to 25th St .
• West (right) on 25th to Holmes (one block)
• The UMKC School of Dentistry is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Holmes. See parking instructions below.
Directions from the SOUTHWEST
• North on I-35 to I-70 east
• Take I-70 through downtown to exit for South Hwy 71
• Hwy 71 south to 22nd St./Paseo exit
• West (right) on 22nd to Charlotte
• South (left) on Charlotte to 25th St .
• West (right) on 25th to Holmes (one block)
• The UMKC School of Dentistry is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Holmes. See parking instructions below.
Directions from the EAST
• West on I-70
• Take 13th St. exit (notice the sign for the UMKC School of Medicine) to Charlotte (first light)
• South (left) on Charlotte to 25th St .
• West (right) on 25th to Holmes (one block)
• The UMKC School of Dentistry is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Holmes. See parking instructions below.
Directions from the SOUTHEAST
• North on U.S. Highway 71 to Paseo exit
• Left (southwest) on Paseo to 25th St .
• West (right) on 25th to Holmes
• The UMKC School of Dentistry is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Holmes. See parking instructions below.
Directions from the NORTH
• South on I-35 to east I-70 (near downtown)
• Take the exit for South Hwy 71
• Hwy 71 south to 22nd St./Paseo exit
• West (right) on 22nd to Charlotte• South (left) on Charlotte to 25th St.
• West (right) on 25th to Holmes (one block)
• The UMKC School of Dentistry is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Holmes.
See parking instructions below.
Directions from NORTHEAST and KC international airport
• South/East on I-29 to I-35
• South on I-35 to east I-70 (near downtown)
• Take the exit for South Hwy 71
• Hwy 71 south to 22nd St./Paseo exit
• West (right) on 22nd to Charlotte
• South (left) on Charlotte to 25th St.
• West (right) on 25th to Holmes (one block)
• The UMKC School of Dentistry is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Holmes.
For Handicapped Parking
Enter the Dental School parking lot from Holmes (just behind the Dental School) and contact the attendant in the Dental Booth. Valet parking is available for those with disability plates or placards through the attendant at the Dental Booth.
Dropping off a Patient
Stop at the School’s main entrance at 650 East 25th St. The entrance is wheelchair accessible. The clinic waiting area is just inside the doors.
For Patients Parking
Enter the Dental School parking lot from Holmes (just behind the Dental School) and contact the attendant in the Dental Booth. If this lot is full, you will be issued a dated parking pass and directed to overflow parking in lot 68 on 25th Street between Campbell and Charlotte, noted below. Please note that this has changed from our previous parking lot. This lot is conveniently located across the street from the old lot. If overflow parking is full, patients should utilize city street parking. Note that most street parking is metered and patrolled.
For Visitors
Visitor parking is located in parking lot 68 on 25th Street between Campbell and Charlotte. If this lot is full, visitors should utilize city street parking. Note that most street parking is metered and patrolled.
For Students/Employees
Student/Employee Parking is located in the parking garage on 24th Street between Charlotte and Campbell. If the parking garage is full, please utilize city street parking. Note that most street parking is metered and patrolled.
Faculty Practice Patient Parking
From the corner of 25th and Holmes, drive west on 25th, veer right and then up the hill on Locust St. toward the entrance of Children’s Mercy Hospital . Turn right at the hospital entrance and then right again, following the signs to “Dental School Faculty Practice Parking.” Pull up to a guard gate and press the “call button” that is at car window level. When your call is answered, tell the person that you have an appointment in Faculty Practice. The gate will automatically be raised. Park in the spaces marked “Faculty Practice” at the far end of the lot on the right. (You also may park in the lot behind the Dental School — enter off of Holmes, north of 25th St. — although this lot is often full.)
Handicapped parking and access are available in either lot.
From the parking lot, walk south towards the dental school — the yellow-beige brick building. Enter the building through its north side (2nd floor) entrances. After you enter the building, follow the signs to Faculty Practice, Room 277.
Dental Student Clinic Patient Parking
At the corner of 25th and Holmes, drive north on Holmes. The School of Dentistry building will be on your left. Halfway down the hill turn left at the sign for Children’s Mercy Hospital Emergency Services and Dental School parking. At the top of the drive turn right and pull up to the guard gate. Press the ticket button at the gate. (Be sure to have someone in the clinic validate your parking ticket before you return to the parking lot.) Handicapped parking is available.
Persons who park in the Patient/Visitor Parking Lot on the north side of the building will enter the school on the second floor. The elevator is located across from the east side of the cafeteria, which occupies the center section of the second floor. Take the elevator down to the first floor.
Research Patient Parking
At the corner of 25th and Holmes, drive north on Holmes. The School of Dentistry building will be on your left. Halfway down the hill turn left at the sign for Children’s Mercy Hospital Emergency Services and Dental School parking. At the top of the drive turn right and pull up to the guard gate. Press the ticket button at the gate. (Be sure to have someone in the clinic validate your parking ticket before you return to the parking lot.) Handicapped parking is available. If this lot is full, you will be issued a dated parking pass and directed to overflow parking in lot 68 on 25th Street between Campbell and Charlotte. If overflow parking is full, patients should utilize city street parking. Note that most street parking is metered and patrolled.
Persons who park in the Patient/Visitor Parking Lot on the north side of the building will enter the school on the second floor. The elevator is located across from the east side of the cafeteria, which occupies the center section of the second floor. Take the elevator down to the first floor.
Dental or Dental Hygiene Applicant Parking
Parking for dental and dental hygiene applicants is in parking lot 68 on 25th Street between Campbell and Charlotte. Parking permit hang tags will be provided by the Office of Student Programs (for dental applicants) or the Division of Dental Hygiene (for dental hygiene applicants). Candidates are to scratch off the appropriate date and hang it on the rear view mirror of their car facing out so that any Campus Police can see that it is a valid permit (to park in a University parking lot without displaying a parking permit will result in a fine). Once in the building, take the elevator to the fourth floor, the Office of Student Programs is located in room 420, the Division of Dental Hygiene is located in room 415.
- School Directory: First Floor
- Patient Reception, Main Clinic, Specialty Clinics, Clinical Research: Second Floor
- Lecture Halls, Faculty Practice, Student Labs: Third Floor
- Oral Surgery, Library, Research Labs, Dental Lab, Faculty Offices: Fourth Floor
- Administrative/Business Offices, Conference Rooms, DDS Program and Dental Hygiene Program Admissions Offices: Fourth Floor