Estate Gifts

THESE DONORS have indicated the UMKC School of Dentistry is in their estate plan. We are grateful for the legacy they are creating.

Dr. Lloyd Alquist*
Anonymous Donor
Dr. Dan L. Blackwell
Dr. Robert E. Butler
Dr. James M. Callender III*
Ms. Louise G. Chapman*
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Lucille E. Cowan*
Florence Irene Dengel*
Dr. J. Dennis Dlabal
Dr. David K. H. Dung*
Dr. Adam Edwin Ericsson*
Mr. Leonard Faulconer Jr.*
Dr. Newell O. Feeley*
Dr. Brett L. Ferguson
Dr. John E. Franks Jr.
Dr. Robert W. Fry
Dr. Frank R. Fullerton Jr.*
Dr. Carl and Mrs. Marguerite Fyler*
Dr. John D. Gardner
Dr. Otis B. Gentry*
Mrs. Ruth Somers Gilman*
Dr. Patrick K. Hardman
Dr. Grant B. Hatfield Jr.*
Dr. Richard M. Haun*
Dr. William J. Hayden Jr.
Dr. Phil E. Held
Mrs. Carolyn Abney Hodges
Dr. Frank J. Holtz*
Dr. Harry Jett*
Mrs. Hazel Johns*
Col. Onas Johns*
Dr. Gregory K. Johnson*
Dr. Michael G. Johnson*
Dr. Theron C. Johnson
Dr. Thomas A. Jones*
Dr. J. Edward Kendrick
Dr. Dan L. Lavitt
Dr. Carolyn S. Magnuson
Dr. Grant W. Merritt
Dr. Michael L. Milford
Dr. William and Mrs. Bonney Miller*
Ms. Ida Mae Niblo*
Dr. James W. Osborne
Dr. Robert E. Peterson*
Dr. V. Leroy Riley*
Myrtle H. Rinehart*
Ms. Tomiyo Seo*
Dr. William F. Slagle Jr.
Mrs. Eloise Sloan*
Mr. John and Mrs. Effie Speas*
Dr. Charles F. Squire
Dr. Rodger L. Suchman
Dr. Donald J. Thompson*
Dr. George X. Trimble*
Ms. Rosemary L. Wiley*
Dr. Terry C. Williams
Prof. Emeritus Leslie Young Jr.*


If you’re interested in making a donation through your will or estate plan or have already done so and wish to join the Rinehart Foundation’s Heritage Society, call 816-235-2173 or email Doug Anderson at