Yong Wang
Room 3163
School of Dentistry
Phone: 816-235-2043
Dr. Yong Wang is a Professor in the Department of Oral and Craniofacial Sciences and Director of Musculoskeletal Structure/Property Core Center. His research is focused on three major areas: dental biomaterials, calcified tissue, and applying new technologies in dentistry, which has been funded by federal agencies such as NIH and NSF since 2003. Dr. Wang has co-authored ~200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, and books, which have been recognized by ~9000 citations and H-index of 51. More than 250 presentations of his collaborative research work have been delivered at national and international conferences. Over the years, he has mentored more than 70 predoctoral dental students, MS/PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Wang is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and the Academy of Dental Materials, and a member of numerous societies including the Society for Biomaterials, International and American Associations for Dental Research. He has also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Applied Oral Sciences, Applied Adhesion Science, and Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, is a standing member of NIH ODCS study section (2021-2025) and an ad hoc reviewer for several other NIH study sections and NSF panels.
Dr. Wang’s Google Scholar Page